Sunday, September 15, 2013

Necklace Organizer

I have seen many cute ideas of how to organize your necklaces - old rake heads, door knobs & so on, but the other day my best friend had asked me how I organize & store mine. I never thought anything about sharing this with others, but after sharing with her & hearing her comments I thought I might share with you. My organization is not cute, creative or expensive.....but it does work great, is organized, takes up very little room & was made from things already in my house.
We have a couple towel bars in our bathroom that were never used anyway. I decided to use that as my "base" & just added shower curtain hooks I had to the bar & voila, there you have it. I like to organize my necklaces my color palates, so I can easily find them, but I also love this easy organization idea because it inspires a lot of my outfits. As I get ready in the mornings I look over at my necklaces & decide what kind of mood I am in that day - cheery, rocker chick, country girl, modern, sleek, formal, or casual - & from there it gets me excited for the day! In the bag are my many bangles & big bracelets. Also my headbands are stored here.
How do you organize your small spaces?

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